July 8

July 8
One Year Bible Readings:
1 Chronicles 5:18-6:81
Acts 26:1-32
Psalm 6:1-10
Proverbs 18:20-21
Supplemental Reading for The One Year Bible.
The following are excerpts from Mike’s One Year Bible Blog.

1 Chronicles:
Today in First Chronicles chapter 5 we read about the tribes east of the Jordan River. Today in First Chronicles chapter 6 we read a genealogy of the Levites, the priestly tribe. I love that the temple musicians were included in the genealogy today! Check out verse 32: "They ministered with music before the tabernacle." Nice touch to include the artists.  
Q: Think God likes music? And how true is this - that music ministers to us?  I pray this is true for you. I know music ministers to me in such a profound way. Particularly Christian and worship music. Secular music I used to love - and it can still be interesting to listen to. But the only music these days that truly seems to "minister" to me is Christian music or praise and worship music. Certainly the music I sing in church every week!  Is music ministering to you these days?

Today in Acts 26 verses 24 & 25 we read: “At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defense. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted. "Your great learning is driving you insane." "I am not insane, most excellent Festus," Paul replied. "What I am saying is true and reasonable.”” Have you ever questioned your sanity when thinking about Christianity? :) Don’t worry – I think it is okay if you have. I honestly think that Christianity is the most logical thing of all time – but, I do understand why many in the world may view Christianity as crazy. (or that maybe even we ourselves at times have thought “this is crazy”) The bottom line is this – I believe every human being has faith in something. We may have faith in Jesus. Or we may have faith in a “cosmic being.” Or we may have faith in crystals. Or we may have faith in atheism. (yes, I believe atheism is too a faith – in nothingness – but a faith nonetheless.) Or we may have faith in altruism or government or nature. We all have faith in something. Faith is our human nature. I believe the statistic is that 85%+ of the world’s population believes in something beyond themselves. We are spiritual beings. And if then we are spiritual beings, then I think it is perfectly logical for us to seek out who our Maker truly is. And to seek out whom our Savior truly is. And to seek out what will lead us to Eternal life. I’ve gone through this seeking phase big time in my early life. And I do believe it was the Holy Spirit that led me to Jesus ultimately. And now, once in relationship with Jesus, I believe that Christianity is the most logical faith there is.
Q: Do you believe what Paul says to Festus in these verses? Do you believe that Christianity is true and reasonable?


7/8 - As I read Psalm 6, it seems very penitential to me - like David was making a confession of sins and praying for forgiveness from God.
Q: As you read through these verses, have you ever felt like this?  I have. And it ain't fun. But, it's part of the healing process. I do think we need to allow ourselves to get fully broken before God before we get fully healed. We can't mask over or hide from God what's really going on - we have got to put it all out there on the table before God, for him to be able to truly fix it. However - there is great encouragement and confidence from David in this Psalm in verse 9: "The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD will answer my prayer." The Lord will hear your plea! The Lord will answer your prayer! Please plea and pray to him if you need to. He will listen and answer.

I love Proverbs 18 verse 20 today: "Words satisfy the soul as food satisfies the stomach; the right words on a person's lips bring satisfaction." This is so true. I of course first think of God's Word, the Bible, in the first part of this Proverb. God's Word truly does satisfy, nourish and feed our souls! And then the 2nd part of this Proverb reminds me of Psalm 19 verse 14: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Q: How are the words coming out of your mouth these days? Are they pleasing in God's sight?

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