April 25
April 25
One Year Bible Readings:
Judges 4:1-5:31
Luke 22:35-53
Psalm 94:1-23
Proverbs 14:3-4
Supplemental Reading for The One Year Bible.
The following are excerpts from Mike’s One Year Bible Blog.
Okay, women rule in today's readings in Judges!! :) Deborah basically tells Barak that he's being a wimp, so she'll help lead the military victory, and does. And then Jael, who is likely not an Israelite, finishes off Sisera, the commander of the enemy army of the Israelites, with a tent peg! Don't mess with Deborah or Jael! In Judges chapter 5 we read the wonderful song of Deborah and Barak, and it is of note in verse 31: "Then there was peace in the land for forty years." Quite a song! Bob Deffinbaugh with Bible.org's commentary on Joshua chapters 4 & 5 today titled "The Prophetess Deborah" is at this link.
Q: How do you see women leading in churches today? Do you think there should or shouldn’t be distinctions between roles women and men have in churches?
I don't think I've really ever noticed this visit from an angel before in Luke chapter 22 verse 43 when Jesus is praying at the Mount of Olives! "Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him."
Q: Why do you think Jesus needed strengthening? What can we learn from Jesus’ need of strengthening?
Psalm 94 verse 14 is fantastic today - "The LORD will not reject his people; he will not abandon his own special possession." I love this thought - that God will not reject us. He will not abandon us. We are his own special possession.
Q: Do you believe that you are God's own special possession? How does this make you feel? Act?
I once heard a pastor say a few words about Proverbs chapter 14 verse 4: "An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable." Basically this pastor was talking about how things were a little bit hectic around the church - due to church growth and related growing pains. And he brought up this verse, with the point being that it is a blessing that the church is not "clean" - in the spic & span sense - because this means a lot of things are happening. There is "income". There are people getting to know God and Jesus. And yes, there are some messes. But it's better than a spic & span clean stable / church where nothing is happen. I like that analogy. I also once heard this same pastor refer to church as a "majestic mess." I like that too! :) Church is not a spic & span clean place all the time. There are messes. There are humans on staff with the church - and humans coming to the church. We are not spic & span clean people all the time. And that's okay. Church is indeed a majestic mess, in the best sense of the word! Speaking of empty clean stables - let us not forget that our Lord Himself came to this world in a full & messy stable!
Q: Do you think it is okay for church to be a bit “messy” at times? How much mess is too much? Are you okay if the various "stables" in your life are not empty and clean all of the time? Do you see how a full & messy "stable" can demonstrate that "income" is being generated? Why do you suppose that Jesus came to this world in a full & messy stable?
Copyright © 2004-2012 One Year Bible Blog
One Year Bible Readings:
Judges 4:1-5:31
Luke 22:35-53
Psalm 94:1-23
Proverbs 14:3-4
Supplemental Reading for The One Year Bible.
The following are excerpts from Mike’s One Year Bible Blog.
Okay, women rule in today's readings in Judges!! :) Deborah basically tells Barak that he's being a wimp, so she'll help lead the military victory, and does. And then Jael, who is likely not an Israelite, finishes off Sisera, the commander of the enemy army of the Israelites, with a tent peg! Don't mess with Deborah or Jael! In Judges chapter 5 we read the wonderful song of Deborah and Barak, and it is of note in verse 31: "Then there was peace in the land for forty years." Quite a song! Bob Deffinbaugh with Bible.org's commentary on Joshua chapters 4 & 5 today titled "The Prophetess Deborah" is at this link.
Q: How do you see women leading in churches today? Do you think there should or shouldn’t be distinctions between roles women and men have in churches?
I don't think I've really ever noticed this visit from an angel before in Luke chapter 22 verse 43 when Jesus is praying at the Mount of Olives! "Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him."
Q: Why do you think Jesus needed strengthening? What can we learn from Jesus’ need of strengthening?
Psalm 94 verse 14 is fantastic today - "The LORD will not reject his people; he will not abandon his own special possession." I love this thought - that God will not reject us. He will not abandon us. We are his own special possession.
Q: Do you believe that you are God's own special possession? How does this make you feel? Act?
I once heard a pastor say a few words about Proverbs chapter 14 verse 4: "An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable." Basically this pastor was talking about how things were a little bit hectic around the church - due to church growth and related growing pains. And he brought up this verse, with the point being that it is a blessing that the church is not "clean" - in the spic & span sense - because this means a lot of things are happening. There is "income". There are people getting to know God and Jesus. And yes, there are some messes. But it's better than a spic & span clean stable / church where nothing is happen. I like that analogy. I also once heard this same pastor refer to church as a "majestic mess." I like that too! :) Church is not a spic & span clean place all the time. There are messes. There are humans on staff with the church - and humans coming to the church. We are not spic & span clean people all the time. And that's okay. Church is indeed a majestic mess, in the best sense of the word! Speaking of empty clean stables - let us not forget that our Lord Himself came to this world in a full & messy stable!
Q: Do you think it is okay for church to be a bit “messy” at times? How much mess is too much? Are you okay if the various "stables" in your life are not empty and clean all of the time? Do you see how a full & messy "stable" can demonstrate that "income" is being generated? Why do you suppose that Jesus came to this world in a full & messy stable?
Copyright © 2004-2012 One Year Bible Blog
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