April 13

April 13
One Year Bible Readings:
Joshua 7:16-9:2
Luke 16:1-18
Psalm 82:1-8
Proverbs 13:2-3
Supplemental Reading for The One Year Bible.
The following are excerpts from Mike’s One Year Bible Blog.

In Joshua chapter 7 today we continue to read about Achan's sin, which caused 36 Israelites to die in the first attack on the city of Ai. I realize that the destruction of Achan and his family may be tough for us to read, but I think it's important to remember Achan's sin caused other Israelites to die. I found Joshua's words interesting in verse 19 as he spoke to Achan: "My son, give glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, by telling the truth." He has a fatherly tone here - and I like the thought of giving glory to God by telling the truth. 
Q: How have you learned the value of telling the truth in your life? Is there glory in telling the truth?


The story of the shrewd manager in Luke chapter 16 today concludes with some powerful teachings from Jesus. Verses 8 & 9 stand out to me today - "And it is true that the citizens of this world are more shrewd than the godly are. I tell you, use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. In this way, your generosity stores up a reward for you in heaven." I like that teaching - we should use our worldly resources to benefit others. So, I've been thinking about this a bit more lately. And I wondered what it would be like if I went through my days consciously trying to make other people happy. I don't think I've really ever done this over a sustained period. Maybe I've glimpses of using my resources to benefit others. To make them happy. I want to do more of this...
Q: How about you? Are you consciously using your resources (time, treasure & talents) to make others happy in your life each day? How?

Verse 10 is also a strong teaching from Jesus today - ""Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities." I think there was a very popular book out there a while back called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." Well, it looks to me in this verse that God sweats the small stuff. And you and I should sweat the small stuff. We need to be faithful in small matters in our daily lives or else indeed we will not be faithful in large matters.
Q: Will you join me in sweating the small stuff when it comes to matters of our integrity before God? How have you learned to be faithful in small matters?

I love Psalm 82 verses 3 & 4 - ""Give fair judgment to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people." I realize these verses were spoken to Israel's judges. But, I think they can speak to you and I today as well. Particularly, "rescue the poor and helpless" stands out to me today. What are some ways you are rescuing the poor and helpless in your life today? How are you delivering them from the grasp of evil people? This actually reminds me of a couple of friends of mine who are so passionate about rescuing young girls from the sex slave industry in some Asian countries - I think Thailand is where they do most of their work. Clearly, young girls that have to sell their bodies in this type of situation are under the grasp of evil people. And I am so humbled by my friends' work toward delivering girls from this grasp. My friends are only able to do this really well because of their relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the true rescuer - first of my friends and now through my friends to these young girls. But, wow, it makes me wonder if I am truly allowing Jesus to rescue the poor and helpless through me? 
Q: How about you? How are you allowing Jesus to rescue the poor through you?

There is probably absolutely nothing I could or should add to Proverbs chapter 13 verse 3 :) - "Those who control their tongue will have a long life."
Q: Do you agree with this Proverb? How are you able to control your tongue? Or sometimes does your tongue control you? Any advice on how someone can control their tongue? Prayer, Grace, and the Holy Spirit are 3 antidotes that come to mind for me! :) 

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